Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lowongan Kerja COOK di Luar Negeri

Untuk Keterangan lebih dan pengiriman lamaran berupa CV dapat melalui email, fax maupun pos ke alamat :
Jl. Pembangunan III no. 45 Karangsari Tangerang 15121
Telp. (021-55769656 ext 119) (hubungi Amriah)
Fax. (021-55769659)
Email :

Kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dipanggil dan di interview.


Working Place: Airdrie, Alberta
English ability
Education: Trade diploma/Certificate

Scope of Job
1.Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods
2.Schedules and supervise kitchen
3.Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment
4.May clean kitchen and work area
5. May hire and train kitchen staff

Professional Requirement
Course work, training, workshops and/or experience related to the occupation

Employment Period: Three years 3
Minimum wage: $12.42

1.50% more than the regular wages over 44 hours
2.working hours: 8:00am~5:30pmGWill vary
3.Paid by bi-weekly intervals
4.subject to review & adjust after 12 months employment

Employer pays all taxes and submit all deductions payable including employment insurance, income tax CPA

Employer ensure available, reasonable & proper accomodation round trip air ticket, Paid by employed
Employer provides two-way air ticket from employee's country of residence to Alberta

Insurance, Hospital & Medical Care paid by employer until the worker is eligible for applicable
provincial health insurance

Workplace Safety Assumed by employer

Registered the employee under the relevant provincial insurance plan, no deduction from the wage

Break Time 60 minutes Per day including lunch, coffee breaks etc.

1.2 days off per week (Will vary)
2.4% weeks of paid vacation
3.No sick leave per year

Registration: Written notice at least one week in advance

Termination: If the contract still in valid and the employee has continuously work for 3 months, written notice at least one week in advance

Salary: Rp. 20.000.000,- per month

Process payment: Rp. 88.000.000,- (sponsor), dan Rp. 85.000.000,- (DTS)

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